I shall be achieving this on April 2011:

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

I'm looking out for some other conferences to go...

I'm in the look for conferences places to submit my work...

CogSci 2009 is a definite - I'm going this July.

Others? I'm looking at (just so that I won't forget about it):

  • http://www.cambridgeesol.org/LTRC2010/ (this one is a must!)
  • http://evolang2010.nl/ (interesting)
  • http://lsadc.org/info/meet-annual.cfm (havent really browsed through it yet)
will have a look at them again soon...

Poster Competition at London Hopper Colloquium 2009 - 5th May 09

It was a surprise really even though deep inside me, it was my goal.

I won 2nd place, and yeay!!! It was a cash prize sponsored by IBM.

I am still waiting for them to upload the pix in their web. Still waiting...

Its a bit blurry but yea.. thats the only copy I have with me... I'm sooo happy and ofcourse.. it does means a lot to me!