I shall be achieving this on April 2011:

Thursday 17 April 2008

Looking forward to attending some conferences...

I'm actually hoping to be able to attend some conferences, related to my work. But at the moment, with funding still in the process, the only place that would help save the cost would be traveling in the UK itself. This does not matter, because the most important thing for me is to be able to have the experience, and also, being able to mix around with people a.k.a networking.

One conference that is a must for me: http://www.hci2008.org/

I have to go to this one at least!

1st year Annual Review is coming right up! I'm totally nervous about this. Talking about progress, I can only talk about my reading work that I have done, and a few contacts that I have been able to make connections with. But, woah.. it is a big work to prepare. 4 pages of research work reviews, since January 2008. I really hope I will be able to do well. Haven't been able to attend any conferences yet, but am building up some skills through workshops and trainings by the University.

Pray for me people!


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