I shall be achieving this on April 2011:

Thursday 1 May 2008

For Dyslexia People out there!


Anonymous said...

Interesting blog!How do you think your PhD experience could be improved? For example, more related books and journals in your library, more help from supervisors, more technical support?

pAMZ said...

Thank you! Appreciate your comments!

Well, some reading had taught me that PhD is a process of being a researcher.. It's very hard to explain actually, because different people will experience different things while in that process of learning...

I've been to library 1:1 session, which is really great and helpful, the materials that the library have is BIG!!! its just the matter of time searching for it.. electronic books, online journals.. awesome!

Supervisors had been of great help too!!! Its how you engage with them.. in terms of sharing and asking.. basically.. its our own attitude towards working into completing your research work..

If you are positive.. everything is good! It will progress on well.. but if you're negative.. then, its gonna be a bit difficult... try to avoid that negative aura.. ;)

so.. it really depends on you..

Anonymous said...

Have you managed to publish your work or submit any papers so far?

roxychick said...

hey there!
i'll write more if i have any interesting story to tell.

btw, how are you guys doing?
xoxo to FD...

tk care aite!